Harvest at the Summer Solstice
/Days like yesterday are rare - and it was the summer solstice no less. Gentle sunshine, June-blue skies, warm breeze, and downy clouds with golden glow. The hay field swayed in celebration and crickets sang as the sun set. It was the longest day of the year, and call me greedy, but I wanted even more.
The harvest is urging towards summer too. May and June have offered the freshest, crispiest, greenest salads, and will soon give way to more substantial bounties that beg the broadest of sauté pans.
Lots of spicy pink radishes and lettuce in every shade of green. Is there any better color combination? (up for debate).
Cauliflower and broccoli are beginning to make an appearance. Cauliflower always remind me of Lucien in my favorite movie, Amelie - "Shhh! Il dort dans le chou-fleur!"
Tomatoes have a ways to go, but they are growing into their cages.
Every night!